- His bastions of iron? 铜墙铁壁呢?
- Comrades!What is a true bastion of iron? 同志们,真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?
- Ours is truly a bastion of iron. 在我们这方面,确实是铜墙铁壁。
- But it's all bastion of iron around, how could we go out? 但是它全都在附近是铁的棱堡,我们如何可以外出?
- Each belligerent calls his own battle line a bastion of iron. 作战的双方,都把自己的战线称为铜墙铁壁。
- Their battle line is not solid and is anything but a bastion of iron. 他们的战线不巩固,并不是铜墙铁壁。
- What is a true bastion of iron? It is the masses, the millions upon millions of people who genuinely and sincerely support the revolution. 真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?是群众;是千百万真心实意拥护革命的群众.
- A free press is one of the bastions of a democracy. 自由的新闻业是民主的壁垒之一
- What is a true bastion of iron? 真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?
- He ruled his brothers with a rod of iron. 他用强硬的手段来管他的兄弟们。
- John is ruled by his wife with a rod of iron. 约翰被他的妻子严加管束。
- Football is a bastion of masculinity in this area. 在该地区足球是男子汉的天地。
- Bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe. 把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形。
- He is a man of iron self-control. 他是一个有极强的自制能力的人。
- The club is one of the last bastions of male chauvinism. 这个俱乐部是大男人主义的最后堡垒之一。
- Each belligerent calls his own battle line a bastion of iron 作战的双方,都把自己的战线称为铜墙铁壁。
- A large cooking pot made of copper or often of iron. 金属锅用铜或铁铸成的大煮锅。
- For all its dynamism,the tech world is a bastion of male wealth. 从科技行业的所有动力来说,它是一个男性财富的基地。
- His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron. 18它的骨头好像铜管。它的肢体彷佛铁棍。
- The nature of iron differs greatly from that of wood. 铁与木的性质有很大区别。